• Marriage ceremony etiquette infraction?

    Updated: 2012-03-31 18:04:30
    I thought the groom was not supposed to “see” the bride on her wedding day until she walked down the isle?  The groom apparently had other pressing concerns he felt trumped proper wedding etiquette.  His behavior is quite revealing as to his true intentions (New York American, December 18, 1827):

  • Here… take the shirt off my back…

    Updated: 2012-03-31 18:04:30
    While preparing to place a newspaper announcing the death of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (USA Today, May 20, 1994), we discovered another unrelated item which provided a bit of comic relief.  Please enjoy:

  • The Civil War… 150 years ago… March 1, 1862…

    Updated: 2012-03-31 18:04:30
    An ongoing reflection on the Civil War… 150 years prior to this post… Arkansas, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio… where was this war being fought?  How are our loved ones doing?  Are they near live action?  Are they even still alive… or perhaps injured?  Is the war coming to me?  Are we safe?  Will soldiers [...]

  • First newspapers in Tennessee…

    Updated: 2012-03-31 18:04:30
    Tennessee–or at least a portion of it–had an interesting history. The Northeastern part originally belonged to North Carolina, and a plan was afoot to cede it to the national government. A serious of conventions at Jonesborough resulted in the adoption in 1784 of a constitution under the name of the state of Franklin. Ultimately statehood [...]

  • The first newspaper in Utah…

    Updated: 2012-03-31 18:04:30
    The Mormons created a great migration to the West in 1847 as 2000 Mormons crossed the western plains seeking a location in which they could follow undisturbed the precepts of their religion. The first party reached the Salt Lake valley on July 24, 1847, and among the items they brought were implements, seeds, cattle, sheep, [...]

  • Human ingenuity… not always successful…

    Updated: 2012-03-31 18:04:30
    The editors of the June 13, 1885 issue of Scientific American thought the following “invention” was worthy of both an image and supporting text.  Interesting to note that the preceding (lengthy) article on the same page was titled, “How the Sewage of Paris is Disposed of”.  Perhaps they should have ended this article with the [...]

  • Presenting the case for going green militarily…

    Updated: 2012-03-31 18:04:30
    For those whom are conflicted over their desire to “go green”, but are not ready to pull back on the protection that a well-equipped military provides, perhaps the following invention shown in the February 8, 1896 issue of Scientific American will make a comeback and relieve your distress… as well as the distress of a [...]

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